ATP-Bio aims to “stop biological time” radically extending the ability to bank and transport cells, aquatic embryos, tissue, skin, whole organs, microphysiological systems, and even whole organs.

ATP-Bio is the leading provider of innovative solutions in the field of cell banking and transportation. Join us on our journey to revolutionize the way cells, embryos, tissues, and organs are preserved and transported. Follow us on social media to stay updated on the latest breakthroughs and advancements. Together, we can stop biological time and make a lasting impact.

  • ... creates solutions to global challenges; enables emerging technologies; and facilitates cryo- and biopreservation technologies into new markets. Learn more here …

    • To make transformative discoveries, train a diverse workforce, and connect resources and partnerships to ethically translate technologies for the storage and distribution of living biological systems.

    • To stop biological time, allowing living products to be readily available across the globe to advance healthcare, biodiversity, and food supply and sustainability.

    • ATP-Bio leverages exceptional resources at each of ATP-Bio’s our partner institutions to integrate five goals —Convergent Research (CR), Engineering Workforce Development (EWD), Diversity and Culture of Inclusion (DCI), Innovation Ecosystem (IE), and Ethics & Public Policy (EPP)—into a cohesive mission.

  • Join a diverse team of industry, academic, non-profit, and U.S. government members dedicated to innovation in biopreservation. Learn more ...

  • ATP-Bio is co-led by the University of Minnesota’s Institute for Engineering in Medicine (IEM) and the Center for Engineering in Medicine and Surgery (CEMS) at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). The University of California Riverside, University of California Berkeley, Texas A&M University, and Carnegie Mellon University are collaborating institutions.

    Meet our team members from across all institutions ...

  • ATP-Bio is a world-class partnership between engineering, medicine, science, education, business and ethics supporting crucial advancements of biopreservation technologies enabling innovation, commercialization and diverse workforce development.

    ATP-Bio is co-led by the University of Minnesota (UMN) and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Texas A&M University, University of California-Riverside, University of California-Berkeley are core collaborating institutions. Carnegie Mellon University is an affiliated partner institution. 
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ATP-Bio has made significant advances in the healthcare space including breakthroughs for the preservation of red blood cells and organs. We are looking to grow our efforts in the cell therapies spaces as well as broaden applications into space travel and traumatic brain injury.


ATP-Bio has primarily focused our biodiversity efforts on coral biopreservation. Moving forward, we seek collaborators that will expand this work into other key endangered species as well as explore different types of life such as plant & microbial preservation.


ATP-Bio has developed technologies with potential impact across aquaculture and food preservation. Moving forward, we hope to recruit more experts in this space to expand the reach of these technologies and expand into new markets.

ATP-Bio Pillars

  • … accelerating technologies that enable widespread preservation and distribution of cells, microphysiological systems, tissues and organs, and whole organisms.
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  • … educating a STEM workforce that is a demographic reflection of the nation and recognizes that diversity of perspective strengthens STEM fields.
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  • … broadening participation from groups that historically have been underrepresented in STEM and we are increasing the potential for impact and innovation

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  • … building a healthy, self sustaining ecosystem that brings together all stakeholders to solve the most complex issues in the preservation of biological systems

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  • … establishing guidance for the responsible development and deployment of ATP-Bio’s breakthrough technologies for societal benefit

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Details for our upcoming Fall 2024 Series will be available soon. Please check back for updates …

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