This pillar of ATP-Bio is closely connected with Engineering Workforce Development, which aims to promote a STEM workforce that is a demographic reflection of our current and future nation while also recognizing that diversity of perspective will only strengthen STEM fields.
Our partner middle and high schools at all four core institutions are public schools with a majority of students from groups under-represented in STEM fields.
We expect that the majority of the “Summer Bridge” program students will be from groups under-represented in STEM fields.
We will work closely with on-campus groups at all of our core institutions to promote retention and graduation for under-represented students in ATP-Bio labs.
The Diversity and Culture of Inclusion Pillar will also be responsible for training ATP-Bio members in inclusivity and will have regular feedback mechanisms to study and respond to issues related to diversity and inclusion within the Center.
Keisha Varma (UMN)
Diversity and Culture of Inclusion Lead