ATP-Bio aims to educate an engineering workforce that is a demographic reflection of the current and future nation so we may maximize the impact of cryopreservation technology on society.
At ATP-Bio, we envision a future where the innovation and impact of the cryopreservation ecosystem is not limited by human resources, but instead supported by a robust and diverse workforce; a future where we harness the power of the cryopreservation ecosystem to create opportunities for economic and social mobility for communities that have historically been excluded from the STEM enterprise.
In support of our vision, we pursue a three-pronged (priority area) approach to inspire, prepare, and advance the workforce of the future:
To INSPIRE a science literate society and future STEM workforce with enhanced awareness of the potential impact of cryobiology on society
To PREPARE the future workforce with the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to support the cryopreservation ecosystem
To ADVANCE the current workforce by maximizing its ability to integrate cutting edge cryopreservation technology into relevant applications spaces
Strategic Priorities
The Strategic Priorities of the Engineering Workforce Development Program are tied to the above strategy.
The INSPIRE priority area will:
Raise awareness of biopreservation science and societal impacts
Increase participants’ interest in pursuing a STEM career path
Promote a positive STEM identity in participants
The PREPARE priority area will:
Build foundational knowledge in biological and engineering concepts related to biopreservation
Support student development of core skills in alignment with the Bioscience Skill Standards
Enhance students abilities as convergent engineering researchers (i.e. teamwork, conflict resolution, communication, project management)
The ADVANCE priority area will:
Engage the existing workforce with the bleeding-edge of biopreservation technologies
Provide opportunity for advanced skill building and cross-training in biology and engineering aligned to the current needs of the workforce in the biopreservation ecosystem
Further the societal impact of ATP-Bio technology development by enhancing the abilities of researchers to translate new technology innovation into societal relevant applications.
EWD Director/Program Manager