ATP-Bio Y5 RFP and SIRP Awardees Announced

Greetings ATP-Bio Community & Member Partners!

The Convergent Research (CR) and Innovation Ecosystem (IE) Pillars are pleased to announce the ATP-Bio Request for Proposals (RFP/SIRP) released in April 2024 attracted a lot of interest! We received a total of 20 proposals between the ATP-Bio Convergent Research Program (RFP003) and the ATP-Bio Stakeholder-Inspired Research Program (SIRP004)

There were many excellent proposals this cycle and it was a challenge to select awardees from among them. Based on a range of selection criteria as well as ATP-Bio's programmatic needs (which took a bit longer than expected), we finally identified the projects that will receive funding in Y5 for a period of one year beginning September 2024.

Congratulations to the following research teams for their new ATP-Bio funded activity!

ATP-Bio Y5 RFP003 Awardees

  • Multiday isochoric supercooling of porcine and human kidneys
    Ronald Sellers, Jon Bova, Elaheh Rahbar, Matthew Powell-Palm (TAMU), Anthony Consiglio, Boris Rubinsky (UCB), James Gardner, Heiko Yang (UCSF), Tim Pruett (UMN)

  • Xeroprotection/cryopreservation for insects in agriculture: developments for a bio-economy & circular economy
    Jeff Tomberlin (TAMU), Amanda Neisch (UMN)

  • An active learning based approach to CPA cocktail optimization
    Daniel Emerson, Yoed Rabin, Levent Burak Kara (CMU), Purva Joshi, Rebecca Sandlin (MGH)

  • Laser-induced periodic mesh-like structures for high-throughput cryopreservation
    Balaji Baska, Carla Berrospe Rodriguez, Guillermo Aguilar (TAMU), Zongqi Guo, Michael Etheridge, John Bischof (UMN)

ATP-Bio Y5 SIRP004 Awardees

  • Time-temperature indicator based on magnetic colloidal assembly for cold-chain food transport
    Haopu Liang, Yongsheng Gao, Wenliang Song, Yadong Yin (UCR)

  • Isochoric preservation of human breastmilk
    Alan Maida, Tony Consiglio, Boris Rubinsky (UCB), Cristina Bilbao (USDA), Matt Pollew-Palm (TAMU)
