There are 4 levels of biosystems of increasing cellular complexity that serve as platforms to test our preservation technologies developed in our 3 thrust areas. They are respectively: cells, tissues and microphysiological systems, organs and organisms. Those testbeds are also the primary products of the Center that will accelerate the growth of industries that collectively account for more than $500B annually. Our cell products can be used for cell therapy that is revolutionizing treatments for cancer, regenerative medicine, blindness, and spinal cord injuries, among many others and its market is estimated at $22–100B. Stored tissues and organs can be used by transplantation organizations, and are estimated at $100–350B. MPS for medical device and pharmaceutical companies for screening are estimated at 11M. Lastly, whole organisms will be utilized in aquaculture, a market estimated at $225B and used for sustainable food and feed supply, and in research using genetic models.
testbeds are led by a multi-institutional team:
Berk Usta (MGH)
Cell Testbed Lead
Kevin Healy (UCB)
MPS Testbed Lead
Basak Uygun (MGH)
Organ Testbed Co-Lead
Erik Finger (UMN)
Organ Testbed Co-Lead
Nikolas Zuchowicz (UMN)
Organisms Testbed Lead