Liver partial freezing

Partial freezing of rat livers extends preservation time by 5-fold

The need for transplantation is growing steadily while the supply of donor organs is nowhere near demand. Extending organ preservation has increasingly been identified as a national research priority that would significantly impact organ allocation, handling, and transplantation in several important ways. Read the full article here

The partial freezing protocols
Schematic overview of the partial freezing protocol showing the target perfusion temperature (top blue line) and pressures (bottom blue line) during the subsequent steps in the protocol. Livers were stored at either −10 or −15 °C. The numbers in circles match the explanation of the protocol in the introduction and Methods section. The perfusion solutions and the rate of change between the solutions are shown in blue boxes. SPS = subnomothermic preconditioning solution, HPS = hypothermic preloading solution, TS = thawing solution. See Supplementary Table S1 for the exact composition of the solutions. b Photos of the livers during the consecutive steps of the protocol. From left to right; SNMP preloading, HMP preloading, partial freezing, CPA unloading, functional recovery during SNMP, and start of simulated transplantation.