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Research Ethics Week

Annual Research Ethics Day Conference - The Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence in Research: Challenges & Emerging Guidance

University of Minnesota Research Ethics Week, March 3 - 7, 2025, is quickly approaching. Remind colleges/ departments/ institutes to submit activities they are sponsoring as part of Research Ethics Week through the online submission form.

In addition to department-led presentations throughout the University system, Research Ethics Week features the Research Ethics Day Conference on Wednesday, March 5—a day-long free webinar on “The Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence in Research: Challenges & Emerging Guidance.”

Research Ethics Day Conference Viewing Session

Join AVP Joanne Billings, Research Integrity and Compliance Director Danielle Rintala, and me in a live viewing session of the Research Ethics Day Conference. This is an opportunity to network with RIO and engage in discussions about the talks. A light continental breakfast and lunch will be served. Only 20 spots are available. Register for the Research Ethics Day Conference Viewing Session.

If you have any questions, please contact Danielle Rintala, at

We look forward to partnering with you to make our 2025 Research Ethics Week impactful and educational for our research community